About me

While creating a personal website is without doubt an act of exhibitionism it only goes so far. Don’t count on learning much from what’s linked to here, but I guess you can infer quite a bit of who I am.

General info is to be found on my profiles:

Facebook profile - because everybody is there LinkedIn - my professional (still not serious) self Goodreads - as books are quite important

My old introduction shall also give you some idea (mostly about my sense of humour and my hair)

In Polish you can read some directly autobiographic stuff from the olden times: (języki i ja - wynurzenia autobiograficzne; moje zapiski z Teheranu sprzed lat)

Also ancient, and autobiographic, but less direct are my very short stories and collections of book recommendations and momentary amusements quotes, poems and whatnot (Polish equivalent: powiedzenia, które lubię)

As always, more is to come. May it come soon :)

Copyright © 2011 Piotr Kozłowski. Send mail to peterlin -at- peterlin -dot- pl.