Polish for strangers
1. Basic vocabulary / phrases:
cześć = hi OR bye (informal greeting and informal
dzień dobry = good day (used any time of
the day, we don't have your goodmornings and goodevenings)
dziękuję = thank you (literally: I thank)
proszę = please OR you're welcome (answer to
"thank you")
przepraszam = I'm sorry OR excuse me (literally: I
apologise; can be answered with "proszę")
do widzenia = good bye (literally: until seeing)
2. Phonology - clips illustrating some tricky aspects of Polish
2.1 Affricates and fricatives; to put it plainly - hissing sounds (we have lots
of them)
"cz" - "ć" -
"c" contrast; also in words: czy (question
marker) - ci (these) - co (what) yes - "ci" is correct spelling
even though the sound is "ći"
"dż" - "dź" - "dz"
contrast; also in words: dżem (jam) - dźwięk
(sound) - dzwon (bell)
"sz" - "ś" - "s"
"ż" - "ź" - "z"
contrast; "ż" is also spelled "rz"
2.2 Vowels some people mix despite they sound so different
"i" - "y" - "e" contrast;
also in words: mit (myth) - myt (of tolls) - met (of
finish lines) - sorry not that easy to find a 3-way minimal pair;
also: był (he was) - bił (he beat)
3. Names you always wanted to know how to pronounce
Lech Wałęsa - the famous Polish
anti-communist union leader and, later, president
Krzysztof Kieślowski - the famous Polish
film director
Piotr Kozłowski - the very famous Polish author
of these pages
This is it as for now. Be sure to mail me (at: peterlin -at- peterlin
-dot- pl) any suggestions, questions, requests or arguments you might have.
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I owe this page, as I owe everything, to K.D. , whose smile makes the impossible happen